The 2024 Tom S. Hurley Public Safety Service Award

Recognizing and supporting first responders, volunteers, and service organizations in Boone County since 2021



No fee*

If you send your donation as a standard transaction via Venmo, 100% of the donated funds will reach The Tom Hurley Award Fund.

*This option is only available to Venmo account holders.


1.99% + $0.49

If you send your donation as a domestic US transaction via PayPal, the majority of the donated funds will reach The Tom Hurley Award Fund (less PayPal’s 1.99% fee for charities, and a 49-cent fixed fee).


Honor system

Zeffy asks for approximately 11-15% fee by default, however you have the option to pay any other amount you wish. Zeffy passes 100% of the donated amount to The Tom Hurley Award Fund.