The 2024 Tom S. Hurley Public Safety Service Award

Recognizing and supporting first responders, volunteers, and service organizations in Boone County since 2021


See you at the Boone County Ready Festival September 12th

The Tom Hurley Award Fund volunteers will be staffing the BBQ fundraiser tent. Come by for dinner!


The Tom S. Hurley Public Safety Service Award is an annual award organized by the Boone County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in cooperation with the family of Tom S. Hurley. This award is sponsored by The Tom Hurley Award Fund, a non-profit 501(c)(3) volunteer organization. The views expressed on this website are solely those of the Tom Hurley Award Fund board members, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the OEM or the Hurley Family.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the award?

The award is an expression of gratitude toward helpers in Boone County who often go unrecognized for their efforts. The recipient is presented with a plaque and $500.

How do I nominate someone?

Visit this website during the month of July 2025 in order to nominate a deserving individual or organization for the Fifth Annual Tom S. Hurley Public Safety Service Award.

How is the winner selected?

The recipient is selected by a nine-member committee that includes first responders, non-profit volunteers, healthcare leaders, elected officials, county administrators, Tom Hurley Award Fund board members, and representatives of the Hurley Family. The committee meets during the second week of August for the final selection.

When is the winner announced?

The award recipient will be contacted privately in August, and the public announcement will occur at the award presentation portion of the Boone County Ready Festival, Thursday, September 12, 2024.

Who is Tom S. Hurley?

Tom was a beloved son, brother, friend, and colleague who passed away unexpectedly in 2019. Tom admired helpers and good samaritans of all sorts, and this award is given each year in his memory.
Learn more about Tom and his award here.

Need more information?

Please contact the board members of The Tom Hurley Award Fund.